Tuesday, July 8, 2008

special needs center oman


I am an Omani/American teenager living in Oman and my mother is a special needs teacher. When she first started working here she worked as an elementary school teacher, but then realized she was much more needed as a special needs teacher.

In the United States and Europe special needs children are educated and cared for and treated as ordinary children, regardless of disability. They are trained to work and be dependant on themselves. However, in Arabian countries such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt this is not the case. These children are looked upon as a shame and embarrassment on society. The people believe they are incapable of succeeding in anything. They are locked away in their houses without any form of education at all. My own brother, a dyslexic child, was tossed out of his school for his mild special needs. The teachers could not understand he had a mild problem and believed him to be incapable of learning.

My mother has opened the first special needs educational center in Oman to educate these children. My two brothers are among these children as are so many others she private tutored over the years since no school in this country will take special needs children apart from a few government centers which are over crowded and therefore can not assist or teach these children in a proper way.

I have volunteered at the center as a helper and have had the advantage to watch these children gain a true education and reach success at the end of the school year. These children are truly special children. They may be different, but they are truly capable of succeeding, despite the people's view on these children.

For more information on the center and our special children you may go to the website:http://www.clc-om.com/

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